CNC Mill

This is just a short description of my machine and some of the stuff I've made with it so far.

To read more about aquireing the parts and putting the whole thing together there is a whole series of posts starting here.

My setup currently looks like this.

The machine is an eShapeoko, I bought the mechanical kit, which consisted of all the metal parts and hardware.

I purchased stepper motors separately, used a Dremel tool I already had and the electronics are a combination of some small drivers I purchased and a custom built board to interface them with the PC.

I have an old PC running a modified version of Ubuntu with LinuxCNC on it. This is a very powerful open-source controller. I haven't used it to it's full potential but I hope to add more feature to my machine at some point.

Once my machine was up and running my first job was to cut a nice enclosure to hide all the messy electronics.

Another thing I'd been wanting to try asap was milling custom PCBs.

It turns out getting good PCBs was simply down to buying the right engraving bits.

Nexus 4 Case, Milled from Mahogany

Cork Board Map of the U.K & Ireland

Carved Dice for Risk Board Game
Carved & Engraved Risk Map Pieces

Some Herb & Vegetable Tags

Experimenting with Coasters

Carving a Lino Print

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